[email protected]
8 Lombard Street Sunderland SR1 2HS.
You can donate up to £10. Example texting BAFA22 10 will mean a donation of £10 DONATE
You can give a one-time donation using our just giving page or set up a monthly payment. Giving £1 a month could go a long way to make a difference DONATE
Lloyds Bank Sort Code: 30-93-43 Account Number: 02731156 Account Name: Book Aid for Africa DONATE
send your cheque in the post You can send a cheque via to post to the mail box Name: Book Aid for Africa P.O. Box 112 Washington NE37 1YB
You can make a one-off payment to our bank account as well Name of Account: BOOK AID FOR AFRICA Acct. No: 02731156 Sort Code: 30-93-43 IBAN: GB22 LOYD 3093 4302 7311 56
To include us in your will you will need to provide your solicitor with our charity address and charity number. Book Aid For Africa 8 Lombard Street Sunderland SR1 2HS Charity Number: 1118163
Please click on the link below to donate on the donr website here
Text BAFA to 70470 to donate £10
Text BOOKS to 70490 to donate £2