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How to organise an event

Every year hundreds of people get involved with events organised by supporters of Book Aid For Africa.

BAFA depends on volunteers and kind-hearted people to send books to Africa and other deprived areas. Our volunteers are our champions. We will endeavour to give all of our champions the support and acknowledgement they need to help raise funds Book Aid for Africa. Where possible a BAFA trustee will be happy to support your event. Below are some guidelines that we have put together but if you would like more help or advice please call 7504 621835 or e-mail [email protected] to see how we can help you with your event organisation.

You can donate up to £10. Example texting BAFA22 10 will mean a donation of £10


You can give a one-time donation using our just giving page or set up a monthly payment. Giving £1 a month could go a long way to make a difference


Lloyds Bank Sort Code: 30-93-43 Account Number: 02731156 Account Name: Book Aid for Africa


Understand, evaluate and investigate

Keep things simple and make it fun

Plan properly

Consider others

Price things reasonably

Two heads are better than one

Learn for the future

You can Raise Funds using Just Giving

A word from BAFA’s Chairperson Elewechi Ngozi Modupe Okike

A word from BAFA’s Chairperson Elewechi Ngozi Modupe Okike
Book Aid for Africa (BAFA) is a UK registered Charity that is making a difference in the educational landscape in Africa and within local communities in the North East of England. At BAFA we believe education should be a right and not just a privilege for the deprived children of Africa, and within local communities.


BAFA is the product of recognising the grave educational plight of Africa and deprived communities in the North East of England, and our willingness to make a difference. At BAFA, we are improving the quality of education, by providing good quality books to under-resourced libraries in parts of Africa and local communities in the North East of England, and by making books and other educational resources available to schools and colleges.


We work with reputable organisations and agencies in Africa and local communities in the North East of England, to identify areas of need and coordinate the distribution of shipments to Africa, as well as distribution within the local communities. We appoint representatives throughout Great Britain who coordinate the collection and packaging of books and other educational resources, for shipment to Africa, and for distribution to communities in the North East that need them.


We also recruit volunteers to work in our main office in Sunderland and raise funds to assist with the shipment of the collected materials.

It is over 10 years this year that we have been making a difference in Africa’s educational landscape. During this period, we have sent over 250,000 educational books to different countries in Africa. These books have been used to equip desolate libraries across all levels of education in Africa, and have made a substantial contribution to the quality of educational provision in different African communities



To drop books or other resources at our warehouse please call 07504621835 [email protected]